중고등부 주일학교 (Jr High - High Sunday School)
글쓴이: jooyoungkim, 최초작성일: December 15th, 2007, 최종수정일: November 5th, 2013
교회의 미래의 모습인 중고등부 학생들이 교회안에서 신앙의 뿌리가 잘 자라도록 영적인 교육에 힘쓰고 있습니다.
Father, you have given me beautiful children. Protect them from evil and show them the way to you.
- * When: Sunday 10:45am ~ 12:00pm
* Whom: 7th ~ 12th graders - UPCOMING EVENTS
- * Junior High Lockin
* Date|날짜: 11월 15일(금) 오후 6시30분 ~ 11월 16일(토) 오전 9시 30분
* Place|장소: Church|성당
* Theme|주제: Faith and Conversion
* Fee|등록비: $15
* Registration|등록 at goo.gl/mgavAk
* Program|프로그램: goo.gl/tldX2a
- * Sunday 9:30am ~ 10:30am
* Language: English - TEACHERS AND STAFF
- * Parents Volunteer? : See Young Yoo (PTA) or John Kim (Sunday School)
* Young Adult volunteer? : See John Kim
* Altar Server in Mass? : See Paul Han
* Liturgy in Mass? : See Paul Han
* Music in Mass? : See Philip Suk - ANNOUNCEMENTS
- * 2013-2014 School Year Registration: Click this link
- * 2013-2014 Waiver and Payment Form: Click this link
- * Link to Bulletin Board for JHSS
* 중고등부 학부모회 나눔방으로 연결
* 중고등부 학부모회의 그룹 이메일 주소: hkmcc-teens-pta [at] googlegroups [dot] com
* 7th Grade - Teachers: Raphael Koh, Mary Kim; Curriculum Advisor: Esther Chun
* Pre-confirmation - Teachers: Rafa Kim, Gene Yang
* Confirmation - Seminarians
* Post-confirmation - Teachers: Paulina Choi, Daniel Kim; Curriculum Advisor: Lucila Jannie Lee
* Sunday Service Coordinator: Paul Han
* Vice Principal: John Kim
* PTA: Dohee Lim
- 프린트 버젼
- 조회:16175